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High Tech Public Relations: To Engage — Think Mobile and Multi-channeled
Kevin Waddel
Today s audiences are more mobile than ever before in history. While seemingly constantly on the move they are never out of touch, thanks in large part to smart phones, tablet computers, etc. However, they still read newspapers, magazines and watch television. So when considering undertaking a high tech public relations campaign, you need to consider an firm that knows how to connect you company with these audiences. You also need to think mobile and multi-channeled by utilizing a combination of traditional PR and Web-based approaches. Whether it s contacting a journalist via Facebook, harnessing client resources to comment on blogs, or building content for one-off stories, your high tech public relations program should strive for ongoing engagement.
Effective high tech public relations is still all about making connections. Key targets include customers and potential customers; reporters; influential bloggers; funding sources; venture capitalists; industry and investment analysts; government officials, among others.
Hi tech companies pride themselves on being on the cutting edge. They offer products and services that are groundbreaking and game changing. With competition in every hi tech sector fierce, all hi tech companies have the need to employ a consistent high tech public relations strategy utilizing every available channel to capture the attention of today s highly mobile audiences.
Proactive high tech public relations should create news, not just get it reported. Hi tech public relations should place news breaking stories covering the launch of a new service offering, improved technology or social media application. High tech public relations efforts should also extend to corporate news, such as staffing announcements, product availability and profitability reports.
Generating consistent and positive exposure is essential for high tech public relations firms. There are many niches in the hi tech sector. Make sure your high tech public relations team targets the right publications that will reach the audience you seek. Partner with a high tech public relations firm whose high tech public relations strategies include making it a priority to generate exposure for your company s thought leaders. These high tech public relations tactics can include placing op-ed articles, interviews and guest contributions by experts with for news and trends, including the unique science and benefits of your hi tech service.
Whether your hi tech pr niche is aerospace, biotech, energy, alternative energy, information technology, instrumentation, nanotechnology, nuclear physics, telecommunications or electrical engineering, your high tech public relations team should own that media space.
Kevin Waddel is a free lance writer. To get more information about Public relations, Public Relations New York, New York city public relations,
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