Detoxing And Nutritional Balancing: Detox Your Body For Life And Love It!}

Submitted by: Kolle Baca


The following information is designed to give you the ammunition needed to truly transform YOU and the way you see food. It is designed to put your body in HEALTH mode, which is your NATURAL state!


Real food, which I like to refer to as God Food, is organically grown, whole food that hasnt been tampered with in any way, shape or form (i.e. non-GMO). Food-like products, or Man-Made Food, are products that have been manufactured in a plant to resemble real food (processed). Man-made food is also real food that has been altered with chemicals. For example, the diet of conventional beef, chicken, and turkey consists of hormones, antibiotics and GMOs.


Nutritional balancing is key for a healthy body! Food can be the safest, most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison. In a nutshell, your body only recognizes two things that you put IN it (food, drugs, sodas, etc.) or that you put ON it (lotions, skin care, soap, etc.). Those two things are nutrients or toxins. Thats it. A nutrient is anything you eat that your body converts to energy, or uses as fuel. On the contrary, toxins therefore are anything that your body cannot use as energy. When you overload your liver with toxins, your liver becomes fatty and can no longer filter the toxins properly. Your body then protects itself by pulling the toxins away from your vital organs. Since the toxins cannot be used as energy, they are stored in your fat cells. This is the main reason traditional, calorie-cutting diets dont work. They fail to eliminate the toxins, which causes your body to regain the weight and then some. Fat cells shrink when toxins are eliminated.



All of the foods you ingest either support your bodys acidity or your bodys alkalinity. Most acidic foods are man-made foods, which are all processed (junk-food). Acidic foods support the toxicity of your body by causing inflammation. Inflammation creates most diseases, such as Alzheimers, cancer, heart disease, bacteria and viral infections, etc. Alkaline foods, or God Food, support the alkalinity in your body, resulting in the literal starvation of the disease process as they create an anti-inflammatory environment. DISEASE CANNOT LIVE IN AN ALKALINE BODY.


I have been exercising regularly since age 12. It was my belief that exercise made up a whopping 75% of your healthy body. It doesnt. Your healthy body is 10% genetics, 10% exercise, and 80% NUTRITION! You cannot and will not ever be able to exercise a bad diet away. Period. Your body is a finely tuned vehicle. If you give it good fuel, it will operate at its optimum potential and take you places!


Below is a partial list of physical signs of toxicity in your body. If you are currently experiencing any of them, it is a good indication that your body needs a well-deserved detox.

– Bloating -Acid Reflux -Indigestion

– Weight gain-Slow Digestion-Inability to lose weight

– Muscle aches-Headaches-Joint pain

– Sugar cravings -Anxiety -Blood sugar problems

– Chronic fatigue-Low libido-Decreased metabolism

– Fatty liver -Fibromyalgia -Gallbladder issues

– Allergies-Food sensitivities-Poor concentration

– Hemorrhoids -Constipation -Autoimmune diseases

– Acne-Skin irritations-Cellulite

– Depression-Mood swings-Anger issues

– Inflammation-Disturbed sleep -Excessive sweating

– Hot flashes -PMS -Menopausal symptoms


Are you looking to take BIG steps or baby steps on your quest for detoxing and maintaining a clean eating lifestyle? Baby steps would be giving up one or two things that are known to be toxic. For example, stop drinking sodas altogether (they contain more than the recommended daily allowance of sugar in just one soda; diet sodas have artificial sweeteners, which have been directly linked to many chronic diseases such as Parkinsons). Also, NO MORE FAST FOOD (highly processed, GMOs, sugars, etc.). Just dont do it.

If youre interested in taking BIG steps, make a commitment to yourself. A commitment to join a viable, reliable, truth-based detox program and stick with it from beginning to end. The recommended time frame to fully participate in your detox program is four weeks. For most, this is the duration required to make or break a habit. This allows your body the time it needs to rid itself from harmful addictions. You will be AMAZED how quickly your body acclimates to the new YOU and your new clean eating lifestyle!

About the Author: My name is Kolle and I am a fellow health nut and certified yoga instructor. Because of my long-lived passion for health and wellness, I was a little arrogant when I was approached regarding my participation in a detox program. I thought, “I’m already healthy. . .I already know everything there is to know about diet and exercise.” Boy was I mistaken! I learned SO much, and would be honored to share A Step-By-Step Guide To Detox And Get Healthy. Here’s my link:


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